Thoughts About Majesty And Terrorism

Light, shielded by the clouds, is similar to our inability to stand before the Majesty of the True God.
Majesty and terrorism: Light, shielded by the clouds, is similar to our inability to stand before the Majesty of the True God.

What do Majesty and terrorism have in common? I argue that power and control are the points of contact between these two. They might be considered opposite sides of the same coin.

Majesty has legitimate power and authority motivated by love and goodness while terrorism is the illegitimate struggle to gain power and authority it wants, but can never have, because it is uses fear, and not love to get it.

The very same skyline as the previous photo, at sunrise, on a different day.
The very same skyline as the previous photo, at sunrise, on a different day conjures a very different sentiment.

Let me attempt to clarify.

Terrorist’s by definition use violence to create fear to have their way. The Roman empire used it, Hitler and Stalin are well noted for their extreme uses of force to coerce their populations to submit to their will.

Majesty, however, is supreme power or authority. Supreme is the best of the best in authority and quality in every category.

Our multifaceted God is THE supreme power and authority anywhere and every where. This God does not manipulate and motivate with fear of life and limb. The God of the Bible has all power and authority, engages His perfect love for us as motivation. He already has the power. He chooses to use it for good. God invites us to be in relationship with Him. Never forcing.

Granted free will does not always work out to be pretty. The first people God created crossed over the one and only restraint they were given and that opened the door to terrorism. We have been created in the image of God, yet we are not God. I believe we all have a bit of us that has a wish to be God if we can. This nature unchecked brings forth the Hitlers, the Stalin’s and terrorists of our day, like the recent events in France that have rocked the western world.

We need to keep in mind that the first couple had a tempter! And so do we. That one has many names, among them is the Father of Lies and the Deceiver. This other realm is in competition with the One True God of love.

When we are hurt by people in authority over us, by breaking promises or not fulfilling their God-given responsibility to love and care for us, that too opens the door to the tempter to draw us away from truth. We find ourselves afraid and we become confused. The tempter tells us that God is not good and does not love us. So we look to find someone to protect us. In our ignorance we self-protect, self-medicate or choose to believe the lies of the terrorist of our souls.

We have always been in a battle for our minds and our lives and we most often yield control to the one we know the best. What we fill our time and mind with will most often determine our choices.

We also need to forgive those who hurt us, intentionally or unintentionally. The tempter uses our lack of forgiveness to keep us as his prisoner. By letting go of our bitterness and resentments, giving them to the Majestic Good, we become free agents again, able to accept the Love of God.

I can imagine some are asking how can we get to know a God we “never” see? I say we see God in the random acts of kindness that ordinary people do every day. We “see” God in a smile and in the beauty of creation.

But if you want to get to know God intimately and in an accelerated fashion, read the word of God, the Bible. Begin with the Gospel of John that tells the story of the God of all creation who became man in the person Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For some of us who have read it more than a couple of times, try reading it again, but I urge you to slow down and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart about this God who became man.

How do we respond to terrorism? We respond with the opposite. If it comes to us in violence and fear, we respond in love, peace and tender care. Don’t get me wrong. These are not natural human responses. They are however, truly majestic ones, that only the Supreme God can supply. And He will if we ask and allow Him to work in us first, then through us.

Where have you faced fear? Can you forgive today? Can you ask God to help you respond in the opposite?

Abba, we live in fearful times. So much we once thought safe is lost. As much as we want to turn back, we can not. Please Heavenly Father, we give you our fear and hurt. Fill us with Your love. Grant us courage to trust you, even when we can not see or understand. Your perfect love casts out fear! I choose to live in that perfect love with you. Thank you for being faithful to Your promises, because you are the God of Majesty, not terror….

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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