Billy Graham called her a Christian in Technicolor. Henrietta Mears was a woman God used to love the lost into the kingdom. “To know Christ and to make Him known” was her motto. In spite of many obstacles, “Teacher,” as she was best known by those around her, vitally transformed Christian education, camping ministry, and impacted Hollywood. Those are only a taste of her accomplishments. Look inside to learn more about this remarkable woman. But don’t stop with her story. Throughout her life young people said to her, “I want to be just like you,” to which she lovingly replied, “Nonsense!” She understood that every person has their own call and destiny from our Creator. As you read, you will also find help to understand the timeless, biblical principles she lived by, to help you become the best you that God created you to be, from before the beginning of time.

What People re saying:

Rene: I’ve finished reading your book and feel in love with Henrietta Mears!  Wouldn’t she have been a wonderful influence in these days?  I found the application section to be helpful in mentally gathering and articulating my thoughts about what I was reading. The questions made me think deeper about what I’d read and turning the time into a devotional time.
Henrietta would have wanted me to not focus on her, but on the model that was her life – always pointing to Jesus, the author and finisher of her faith.  I think your book helped further this for Teacher and gave me a delightful tome in which to bury myself and learn.