Throw It All Away

Rocks rounded by the eternal washing of the tides.

In my recent travels I reconnected with many people I have not seen in years.  One of them I went a day early just to see. It was worth it for both of us. Since our last meetings many things have taken place in both our lives. We both like where we are now and where we are headed, but getting to these spots led us along paths neither of us could have foretold.

It was a warm winter day as we opened our hearts to each other as only people who feel safe together can. We felt both the weight of the sharing and the release of what had been pent-up. With the depth of sharing still hanging in the air around us we strolled the few yards to the beach.

This beach was not sand of any color, but rocks of many colors, all rounded by the pounding of the waves. The unending force of water had taken away all the hard edges….

Each rock had its own beauty. My wise friend suggested we choose rocks to represent some things we wanted to put behind us in our lives, things we no longer need to carry.

I chose three good sized rocks, each one very beautiful in its own way. It was time to release them back to God. As I considered each, what they represented, then added a different prayer for each, I hurled them one at a time into the Sea.

My “Mom rock” was the hardest. I’ll be grieving her absence for the rest of my life in different ways.

I am not forgetting any of what the rocks represent or the lessons I have learned on this path, but I am choosing to no longer carry weight Abba wants me to let Him carry with me.

That act may seem silly to some, but I felt a shift. It was almost a catapult into the next season after I threw all that weight away and proceeded to the next steps on my path.

Do you have a thing or two God wants you to throw away? Take some time to hand them over to Him. Even if you do not have a shore of rounded rocks to throw I am sure He will let you know how to “throw it all away” in a way that will speak to you best and help you remember the moment. Let me know how it goes.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


    1. Oh my friend! I can find a few rounded rocks up here on the Atlantic…. I’d rather you come to get them though!=} Consider yourself HUGGED!

  1. Awesome. Has it really been 19 years? I’ve got a couple things to throw away as well. Thanks dear friend. Prayers are with you on ur new journey

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