Sphere of Influence

Have you ever stopped to consider your sphere of influence? I have.

Back in the 1990’s I was on a team that was seeking the Lord to find more fruitful ways to expand the kingdom of God in cities. This was part of Campus Crusade for Christ considering how city social structures can present a unique challenge when doing evangelism.

We likely know spheres of influence are the areas we can influence change. Do you think about how Abba made us social beings and why?

As followers of Jesus, “little christs,” we have the privilege of advancing the kingdom of God. 

Metron is the Greek word used in the New Testament that translates as spheres of influence. The site Biblehub.com includes the following biblical definition. Notice the ultimate measure.

métron (“standard, measure”) is the controlling basis by which something is determined as acceptable or unacceptable – preeminently rooting to the Lord Himself as His being is the only ultimate measure of truth.”

It is a way to measure physically, size, and distance, but also how we advance in ways Abba deems appropriate for us specifically.

In the ‘90’s, we concluded that reaching cities with the gospel is a process that is relational and measured, as it usually is anywhere. It begins with people we know or can develop a relationship with. Even though there are lots of people in cities, building relationships is often difficult. Affinity groups, where we gather for the same reasons, are the most natural avenues for influence. 

For example, I cannot walk into the Governor’s mansion or White House and expect a warm reception. I have no relationships in those places. We, however, all have relationships with people at work, school, our children’s school, the gym we frequent or clubs we belong to. 

These are only a few possible spheres of influence. Wherever you frequent, pray about how you can be yourself, and live the kingdom before family, friends, and colleagues. St Augustin would add, “if necessary, use words.”

Sometimes Abba directs us to expand our spheres. This means stepping beyond our current spheres of influence.  This is the part where we trust that the Lord “is the only ultimate measure of truth.” Stepping out in faith is part of the process.

The first time I recognized I had a sphere of influence for the Kingdom I was in university. Then Abba called me to be a teacher in Nigeria and I experienced a giant reworking in my sphere of influence. You can read about it here.  Especially with these big shifts, it is always wise to be clear if Abba is leading the move or not. 

The photo of my dog staring at a bunny on the other side of the fence is a good example of a sphere of influence. She is recovering from surgery and chasing the bunny is not currently a wise sphere for her. The fence is one representation of how Abba protects us. Happily, she will soon be out doing more natural dog things.

Abba, I want to be so familiar with You and Your ways that I will know when and where you lead me, redirect, or hold me back. And as I am faithful in my current sphere of influence, depending on You, I pray You will keep expanding Your kingdom through me. Amen

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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