Growing Up

Growing up: these photos of the same part of the garden were taken less than 24 hours apart.

“Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional,” is possibly my favorite bumper sticker. It reminds me of Peter Pan: “I’ll never grow up!” I like the attitude because I do not ever want to lose the concept of fun.

Not growing up may seem like fun, but it does not work well in the long run. It is not healthy. The photos above are taken less than 24 hours apart. I think they exemplify how growing up is God’s intention for all living things.

As a young follower of Jesus, I tried not growing up on several levels and found myself living with two masters, me and Jesus. Looking back, I imagine Jesus laughing at my childish ways while waiting for me to understand.   

Paul also speaks clearly in Romans 7 about the inner conflict when we do not leave our ways for His.

My personal resolution to this conflict happened shortly after my 21st birthday. I woke up one morning actively confessing my sins out loud. 

I have been all in for Jesus since then,

no matter what.

Forty-five years later I have never seriously looked back. 

I have no regrets for yielding my life to Jesus.

People notice changes like mine. Not only did I stop doing the things that I know are bad for me, I now have room to let God love through me, more than I can imagine.

I am still growing up.

Yes, there are “bad” days, and seasons. I think failure is one of the best teachers. When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit, He shapes us into the likeness of Christ, which is the true goal. 1 Corinthians 3:18

Growing up is a process I imagine we are all familiar with, and it is not a straight line. The process is as unique as each person, involving surrender, determination, grace, truth, and time, mixed with a measure of sufferingPhilippians 3

Again, Paul has great advice, repeatedly encouraging his readers to imitate people like him, who are more grown up in the faith than we are.

Surrendering to the love of God becomes a lifetime of adventure.

And I am still having fun, because Abba invented fun.

Where are you in the growing up process? 

If you are brand new, I pray you find mature followers to be with. 

If you are more mature, please consider investing time in the lives of those who need examples. 

Pray for opportunities to cultivate God-breathed multi-generational groups. 

We all need each other. . .  .

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. I continue to enjoy your writings. Please continue to send.
    This one reminded me that I am still “growing up” even at my age.
    Are there any Prayer and Praise services close at hand?
    And if you are able to share, where are worshipping?
    Blessings and Prayers, Bette

    1. Dear Bette, I thank God for you and your faithful searching for our Lord.Yes, we are all still growing up! I look forward to our eventual final “graduation.” There is no hurry, but I think we can say that is when we find all things new, and we realize the absence of sin and become that people Abba originally designed us to be. Chairs like, but us.
      Sit with that a while. HAHAHA.;-}

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