New Wineskins

New Wineskins Photo by ©️Ferrell Jenkins 2015

Changes are always with us, and they have dramatically accelerated since 2019. Or maybe we just see them more clearly. Jesus used wineskins as an example when he talked about change two thousand years ago.

“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. For the wine would burst the wineskins, and the wine and the skins would both be lost. New wine calls for new wineskins.” Mark 2:22

Making wine requires a container that can stretch as the wine matures. Old wineskins are dry and brittle. New wineskins are about “letting go of how we’ve always done it,” without losing the principles the actions are founded on. 

Biblical principles do not change, but how we walk them out may, must change. . .sometimes. Allow me to define some terms.


Repentance is a new mindset, a change of thinking that leads to changes in our actions.

Foundational Principles 

These principles are foundation of our faith. Here are just a few to begin with: 

The Greatest Commandment: Matthew 22:37-40.

The Ten Commandments Exodus 20:1-20. 

The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7.

Libraries have been written on each of these already.


The means and habits we form attempting to live out these principles become our traditions. These are the, “how we’ve always done it” ways I mentioned before.

The primary challenge is when change happens at a pace that helps us step off the foundational principles. That pace can be slow or fast, but anything that removes our focus from the foundational principles is not helpful. 

In dance and figure skating, the artists keep from falling by turning their heads with each rotation to maintain focus on one spot. The foundational principles are our one spot, especially when the pace is fast.

We can also lose sight of the foundational principles by taking them for granted. When operating in structures of tradition, over time, it is possible to lose the spirit of the principle that the habits of tradition intend to satisfy. Going back to the relationship of the Greatest Commandment is always key.

New Wineskins

We need new wineskins because relationships are always changing. We are in relationship with our Creator. God does not change, but we all know that we do. 

We need room to stretch and mature in relationship with God like wine maturing in a new wineskin. In the change process we get to seek His face and receive His perfect love. In turn we gain discernment, learning to walk out the solid foundational principles in our ever-changing circumstances.

Abba, we need You. You call us to come to you. When change comes at us, we only want your presence. Help us to repent, putting off the old wineskins, so we can receive your ways of loving. Mature us with You in the new wineskins you have for us. Amen

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. Thank you, Andrea for your clear wording. I was sharing earlier today that my foundation feels strong. Your Foundational Principles describe what I was trying to share. I like your vision of a dancer keeping the focus in one spot. We change and mature but our foundation is strong.

  2. DEar Andrea
    Thank you for clarifying with the great example of skating, So often it is easier to do things
    as they always have been when God has other things in mind.
    Blessings, Bette

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