Thanksgiving Is My Favorite Feast Day

Yes, American Thanksgiving is my favorite feast day. And I call it a feast day precisely because it was established around food. The pilgrims of the Mayflower landed in Plymouth in December 1620, well past farming season. Unable to reprovision, they endured a very rough first winter. Many of them died of sickness due to lack of food.

Thankfully, they made friends with the first peoples of the land. They worked together to establish a wonderful harvest in 1621. Learning to hunt and methods of storing the provisions were part of the collaboration. 

Because the Pilgrims were grateful to God, our ultimate provider, with their new First Nation’s friends, they celebrated God’s goodness together. 

Yes, sports are often a big part of Thanksgiving in the US. Many watch American football. High school rivalries are central and help build community. In 1621 they played many games together as a way to enjoy each other, and what God provided.

The passengers of the Mayflower understood the power of the Biblical principles of celebration and giving thanks. Eventually our Thanksgiving Day became an official holiday. 

Why is this my favorite Holiday? Here are just a few reasons.

We slow down for a day during a work week.

We do not buy gifts for anyone. . . other than food.

As much as possible, it is about coming together with family and friends. . .relationships.

Personally, I appreciate taking time, preferably with those around me, to reflect on the year gone by.

*This year I thank God that my webpage is completely reworked! That is huge for me.

*I thank Abba for the opportunity to run for our local School Committee this past spring. I did not win, but I learned a lot and hopefully helped more in the community engage in public discourse.

*I thank God for the preaching and teaching opportunities that opened for me throughout the year. 

*Prayer opportunities in 2022 included mostly helping others, both planned and spontaneous,  including some miracles on the streets of Salem, MA in October.

*Abba has allowed me to minister at home, in churches, on the streets, across Massachusetts, New England in person, plus internationally through the internet. I am grateful and blessed!

*I am grateful for opportunities of continued prayer education, allowing me to be more fruitful for the Kingdom. 

*Writing is a wonder to me. Abba, never ceases to amaze me with what He can do. I was, and so far remain a slow reader. Despite that, or because of it, the Holy Spirit often surprises me with content that blesses a growing audience. 

**BEST OF ALL: I am grateful to God and my children for two new grandchildren this summer! May the tribe of three grands continue to increase!

“The Lord is like a father to his children,
    tender and compassionate to those who fear him.” Psalm 103:14

I would be even more grateful to hear what you are thankful for.

May your Thanksgiving celebration, large or small, be one that lifts you closer to our Creator. . . .

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. Great blog! I am thankful for so much. Life, friends, health, family, blessings seen and unseen, relationships new and returned, God’s Neverending love for us all.

    Happy Thanksgiving to All

  2. Andrea,
    I thought it worth a mention that I m so grateful for a godly woman as neighbor and friend. I’m grateful that you introduced us to a wonderful church this year and for the many prayers you have prayed with me and for our family!
    Thank you and May the Lord continue to bless you throughout the year!

  3. I’m reading this today and soaking in the thoughts you have shared. I’m thankful to have met you and hear your strong Godly wisdom. God bless you. Diane

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