Where Am I?

Where am I? You know that feeling of being lost or at loose ends where meaning is blurred. As a child of God, the presence of God is never in question. At least not from God’s perspective. In Psalm 139, which I and others, call the great identity Psalm, there are many verses that talk about how God is with us. I have been reading this Psalm several times a year for at least 40 years.

This psalm begins with King David declaring the facts of how intimately our Creator knows us, cares for us, and keeps a loving eye on on us. My semi-memorized paraphrase of certain verses follows.

O Lord You have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and rise up; You discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path . . . even before a word is on my tongue You know it. You hem me in and You lay Your hand upon me. Where can I go from Your spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I go to heaven you are there. If I go to Sheol, [to the depths where the dead go], You are there. If I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me and Your right hand shall hold me. Even darkness is not dark to You. You formed me in my inward parts. I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. My frame was not hidden from You when I was being made. In secret Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In Your book were written every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when there was none of them. How precious are Your thoughts to me O God . . .

All of the preceding verses are about how God is with us. For the first time in all those years the second half of verse 18 jumped out at me in bold this week. “I awake, and I am still with you.” Psalm 139:18b ESV & NASB

The revelation of this pivot, from God with me, to me with God, has softened me a bit more. I am even more secure with a deeper understanding in my mutual, relationship with Creator.

Before seeing this did I believe I could slip out of God’s favor easily? I don’t think so, but I am not sure. There is something more profound the Lord wants me to grasp. It was as if I woke up gently to find the love of God surrounding me. The truth and assurance of that love has marked me once again.

Where am I?

I am still safe in the presence of the Living God. And so are all who call on the Name of Jesus.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. I really connected again with who we are in Christ and how much love God has for us ALL the TIME. Thank you for writing this!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement Pam! I am still noticing the level of peace in my life that this revelation brought to me. May the reality of His love and favor go deeper for you every day!

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