Babies Can Bless Us Anytime!

William James Orgera, born April 9, 2020. Photo by Dad: Steve Orgera

Babies come in all shapes and sizes, and in my case… forms. Even in pandemics life continues its cycles. This week I am full of joy to welcome my first grand baby, Willian James Orgera. At 8 pounds 1 ounce and five days ahead of schedule we are thrilled to have the beginning of our next generation on the ground.

Just because the world has slowed, even to a stop in some areas, there is still new life. Just as there are reasons to mourn, there are still reasons to celebrate, to be joyful, and to have hope. My daughter Kathryn and her husband Steve are grateful for a safe delivery and the joy of being a family of three. They have been home alone, learning who this little guy is, sleep deprived and HAPPY.

Steve’s parents live near by and occasionally drop off groceries and visit through the window. I, however, live a solid three hours away. With “no touching” and “no breathing” on new babies I will wait. I absolutely thank God for FaceTime! The pediatrician suggests no physical visits unless Covid-19 antibodies have been proven to be present in any visitor. That is an issue, however, God knows about it and is keeping me home for a reason, or a few.

I began with babies, plural.

Three days before William appeared a project I have been in labor with for over two decades, crowned. Yes, my vocational labor of love, a biography about Henrietta Mears has been accepted for publication with Wipf and Stock.

Henrietta Mears: a different Kind of Baby for me.
Photo Courtesy Azusa Pacific University Special Collections.

Let’s not get too excited quite yet, because there is a lot to do. I am in the process of contracting. Please pray that goes smoothly. I think it will. Then I have lots of work to do, i.e. getting permissions, preparing the manuscript for typesetting, placing photos, etc. Again, I would love prayer support. I can do these things, they are just not normally my strong suit.

May I have the joy of the Lord as I attend to every tiny detail to bring this to a healthy delivery. Miss Mears exemplified love and excellence. My heart is to honor her and bring glory to God.

Finally, I am exceedingly grateful for “my” babies, all of them! Whatever form they come in and whenever they come, babies show us much about ourselves, life and the One who gives us breath. May your babies, of all forms, bring you delight, courage and hope.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. Yay GOD for your abundance of babies blessings!
    Oh how your heart must be swollen with JOY!
    Congratulations ! I look forward to reading your new born book! Fondly Pamela Jamison, M.Ed

    1. Thank you Pam! I appreciate the encouragement. I look forward to seeing you in person before long!

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