Which Way to Wisdom?

I am part of a small prayer ministry called Wisdom Way. The ministry is setting up a web page and is asking me to write something short about my self to post as one of its members. Most of the others have, as requested, very short “blurbs.” My initial pass was also very short:

“Andrea Van Boven Madden: Believes every true follower of Jesus is intended to be a conduit for God’s will to be done on earth. Prayer, a two-way conversation with our creator, is the initiation point for this to happen. Jesus teaches us to pray “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matt 6:10) Her heart is to pray, bringing those who hunger for truth and righteousness together to pray for God’s will to be accomplished and to help deepen the prayer lives of any who desire to go deeper in relationship with our loving heavenly Father.”

When I ran it by Wendy, one of my wise and trusted friends. She suggested strongly that I was “selling my self short.” For those who know me, this blurb is OK…. but for those who do not, there is no understanding of the wealth of experience and expertise behind that short blurb.

The ensuing conversation began with why I chose to be so “vague,” by  neglecting to mention my experience and qualifications. After all, this is a site not only to talk about Wisdom Way, but to allow ministry partners to financially support those of us who are part of the ministry. So subtlety is not the goal. Communicating clearly my heart, passion and qualifications to do what I am called to do, is the goal. In an attempt to be humble, this first attempt missed giving people who do not yet know me, that opportunity to know my experience, qualifications and my calling to Wisdom Way.

True humility is striking the balance between knowing that apart from God I can do nothing, but with God all things are possible. Having an honest assessment of who I am as a created being with all my human short comings, balanced with the truth that in Christ I am a new creation, a joint heir with Christ as a priest and king in His kingdom who is called to pray His will into existence on this earth.

So subsequent passes aimed for that, and lead to this:

“Andrea is a Prayer Ministry Consultant trained in several facets and models of prayer. Through modeling, teaching and training, she helps all sorts of churches, ministries and individuals learn how to protect, support and lead their ministries by depending on God in prayer.

Andrea has been in vocational ministry for 34 years. The first 13 of those as a missionary in Africa. She has ministered on five continents and has a Masters in Church History from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Before joining Wisdom way Andrea was the Director of Prayer Initiatives for the rapidly growing International Leadership Foundation where she established and trained prayer networks in the US and Africa to support the ministry that seeks societal transformation across the African continent.

Locally in Massachusetts, she served as lead intercessor for Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church in Danvers, MA as the church was being planted and established. At the same time she was lead intercessor for the Anglican Diocese of New England.

Presently, she is involved in several local, regional and national prayer initiatives. Andrea helps coordinate the 10 Days of Prayer on the North Shore of Boston with Jonathan Friz, and others. Andrea has a special place in her heart for training intercessors in healing prayer and strategic prayer ministries to follow God’s leading in ushering in His kingdom here on earth. She aspires to never lose sight of our need to go ever deeper in relationship with our loving heavenly Father.”

So there you have it. A little more about me and my desire to reflect our multifaceted God.

Too bold? Hopefully balanced! What do you think?

How would you briefly describe your life and calling to strangers?

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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