In the beginning God. . . . That means there is something outside of time, and last week we looked at how God is with us, inside of time.
Our Creator is not only inside and outside of time, but God is Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end.
The Creator is inside and outside of more than time. Last week, looking at Immanuel, the Word shows us that God is with us. The Holy Spirit seals us in Christ and is in us, and Jesus is the Word, that we store in our minds and hearts. The Spirit and the Word can be both inside and outside of us.
The nature and character of our Creator is so much more vast than we can understand.
Our Creator is also our sustainer. To accomplish that, there must be daily involvement in and around all of us.
Abba, I recognize You as a personal, relational, being. You are the one who made every one of us. You envisioned a world of beauty and relationship, founded on perfect love. 1 Corinthians 13 This perfect love finds its source in You alone, from You, to us. Before time, You thought of each of us individually.
When the initial creation was complete, You declared, “it is good,” over everything and everyone You made. Then You rested, not because You were tired, but You wanted to enjoy creation. You wanted to enjoy us.
Despite our free will occasionally breaking our fellowship, you continue to pursue us every moment, inside and outside our lives.
The words, “thank you,” are only the beginning of restoring the fellowship. So, I shout THANK YOU with my whole heart. I invite You to lead my life, and I choose to follow Your lead. Thank You in advance for loving with 1 Corinthians 13 love, even when I fail to follow Your lead.
Grow my understanding of your presence inside and outside time and my life. Amen
Merry Christmas! And (In case festivities prevent a post next week,) Happy New Year blessings for 2024!