The following is the, Six Positions of the Child of God.* It is a delightful summary of some of Henrietta Mears’ idea of what it looks like to draw near to God. I encourage you to read slowly and wait at the end of each one. Some may not resonate today when others might. Which position of the child of God speaks most clearly to you today? Put another way, which do you need most today? (Be ready for the King James version in the Bible quotes.)
In His hand for safety. “… Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand” (John 10:28). Have you ever put yourself in God’s hand? A place outside of God’s will is too risky a place for any child of God to contemplate.
On His shoulder for support. “And when he hath found it (sheep), he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing” (Luke 15:5) Isaiah 9:6 says of Christ, “… And the government shall be upon his shoulder…” Here is the place of strength.
At His feet to be taught. Picture the demon-possessed man “…sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind…” (Luke 8:35). “… Mary sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word” (Luke 10:29). Be willing to stop and sit awhile at the Master’s feet. Here is the place to learn.
At His side for fellowship. Mary understood Jesus. So few understand. She knew his heart of love. She realized He longed for companionship more than anything else. “And he ordained the twelve, that they should be with him…” (Mark 3:14). Remember Christ does not want anything to take the place of communion with himself.
In His arm for rest. “…He shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom…” (Isaiah 40:11). Trust in the Lord. Just as a babe sleeps in his mother’s arms, so let us relax in the arms of our loving savior. He says, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy Laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Beside the still waters for refreshment. “He maketh me lie down in green pastures…” (Psalm 23:2). Christ provides the living stream. Isaiah 55:1 is Christ’s invitation for today: “Ho, everyone that thirsts, come ye to the waters…” So many lives are parched and dry and need the refreshing cool water. Christ says that if we drink of the water that he gives we will never thirst.
Abba, help me remember I am a child of God. You never intended for me to carry the weight of my world. You invite me to climb up in your lap to look in your eyes and to hear your heart beat. Please teach me to return to these child of God positions so my heart, soul, mind, and body are renewed in you. Then I will be able to go out to share your love with others who need you. Amen
*Found in a little 1970 book, 431 Quotes, from the notes of Henrietta C. Mears. Compiled by Eleanor Doan and published by Regal/Gospel-Light. P9.
This is one to print out and keep going back to.
Agreed! I just sat with it again this morning. Going back to the word and looking up the context of the verses is another step to help them sink in. Nothing like the Word of God to let things truly sink in.
Blessings, A