June 3, 2016 Significance And Accomplishment If I tie my significance to what I have accomplished, then I will always be on the roller coaster of life. I was on…
May 27, 2016 Relax and Remember Memorial day weekend is a time to relax from work and remember the lives of those who have fought and died for our freedom…
May 20, 2016 Signs The word of God mentions signs 79 times. (Thirty of those are “signs and wonders.”) Our Creator enjoys getting our attention most any way…
May 13, 2016 Storm With A Promise Have you ever driven into a Storm? Literally or figuratively? I have done both. This photo speaks volumes to me. It shouts to me of…
May 6, 2016 Shifting Sands And Solid Rocks Our culture is like shifting sands. I can’t keep up with the changes in what is often considered ‘important’ to our broader, U.S. and…
April 29, 2016 10 Days of Prayer…And More This year’s spring 10 Days of Prayer are upon us. On the North Shore of Boston we will be meeting May 5-15. I will be…
April 22, 2016 Sense of Being – A Blessing Thanks to Judy Douglass I learned about Sylvia Gunter about a decade ago. Her prayer resources and weekly devotionals have ministered to me deeply….
April 15, 2016 In Heaven, So On Earth I believe that our Creator wants us to pull heaven into earth. To do that, we need to know what heaven is like and…
April 8, 2016 Finding The Way Back Finding the way back to fellowship with our Creator is something we all face at times in our lives. We all stray. That’s part…
April 1, 2016 Pleasant Lines The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16:6a As I was on my daily walk…