Finding The Way Back

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Clouds of doubt and confusion when we are not looking for our Loving Creator

Finding the way back to fellowship with our Creator is something we all face at times in our lives. We all stray.

That’s part of being created in the image of the Creator, part of our DNA. We all entertain illusions of grandeur at some point. Maybe our dreams of greatness were trampled on when where were young so we gave up hope to one degree or another. A sad place to be in for sure.

Even with buried dreams it is human nature, part of our divine DNA, to think we are in control, or try to be when we are not. In our attempts to fill the voids in our lives when we are reaching for our dreams, even God-given dreams, we sometimes make questionable choices that create separation between us and the living God who loves us perfectly.

The amazing thing about God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is that He loves us so much we are carved in the palms of His hands. He is Creator, who knows our personal DNA and each of our ends from our beginnings. Abba’s promises to never leave or give up on us, regardless of our past or present choices, are many… and they are all true!

God can not lie, His character never changes. Our Creator is always for us.

The enemy of our souls lies to us in hopes of convincing us it is not true. He heaps guilt and shame on us in hopes of preventing us from returning to the friendship of our living God – but the doors of grace, hope and love are always open. We only need to surrender our pride, turn to those doors and walk through.

We may enter those doors with the consequences of our questionable choices still clinging to us. But as we persevere in the direction of the love of Abba, those things begin to fall off while our hope and courage grow. No matter how many times we go and return we are welcomed.

Since the love of our Creator never gives up on us – why do we give up?

When we are aimed away from that perfect love, even a glance over our shoulder to the Almighty, begins the process of finding the way back to the perfect love that casts out fear. That glance can give us the courage to turn fully to walk the path into the heart of our Creator who is full of faith, hope and love, just waiting for us to receive His unending supply.

Clarity of looking to our Almighty Loving Creator
Clarity of looking to our Almighty Loving Creator

Will you look His way?

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


    1. Yes it is… I am always grateful that Abba NEVER gives up on us! His mercies are new every morning!

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