August 27, 2020 If You Are Looking Behind. . . Looking behind is an updated post from some years back. With our current circumstances, it seems fitting to me to help us remember to…
August 20, 2020 Loving The Unloveable Loving the unloveable, people who rub us the “wrong” way and are difficult to love, is something we all face. The good news is…
August 14, 2020 I Love You . . . Ti Amo If you are feeling a bit frayed by the swirling of events and opinions, my prayer is that this will be an oasis to…
August 6, 2020 Occasion to Celebrate for a Moment We have an occasion to celebrate for a moment. I can officially say that, A Little Drop of Love: Henrietta Mears, How She Helped…
July 23, 2020 Overlook An Offense Offense is something we all deal with in life. It is part of being human. How we deal with it makes a difference. Today,…
July 16, 2020 Where Am I? Where am I? You know that feeling of being lost or at loose ends where meaning is blurred. As a child of God, the presence…
July 9, 2020 Keep Moving? Stand Still? YES! Do I keep moving or stand still? Which is it? In these days of constant change and upheaval it is easy to get confused,…
July 2, 2020 Life, Liberty, And The Pursuit of Happiness Liberty is often used interchangeably with freedom but they come from different root words. Freedom concerns our internal freedom of thought. It is what…
June 25, 2020 Seeing Beyond What We See Seeing beyond our current circumstances is sometimes a gift, sometimes not, and it is something we can learn. I have lived through a lot…
June 18, 2020 Clean Hands And a Pure Heart Are Not The Same As Perfection Clean hands are a big thing these days, as they always should be. Good physical hygiene is important to good health. Good spiritual hygiene…