Occasion to Celebrate for a Moment

We have an occasion to celebrate for a moment. I can officially say that, A Little Drop of Love: Henrietta Mears, How She Helped Change a Generation and You Can Too, is now at the publishers in the production phase. My work, however, is far from over. There is lots more proofing and marketing to do. The 24 years of research and writing is finished.

Yes, I just said 24 years. To be honest I did not work on it all those years. I took many off to do other things. After 16 years away from it, I felt strongly the Holy Spirit urging me to seriously work towards publication. And the work began in earnest, albeit, on and off for several more years.

Life happened, submissions and rejections ensued. (That is the normal process in the publishing world.) The addition of the application section. More edits and rewrites, until Wipf and Stock Publishers invited me to sign a contract. Within one week I had a publishing contract and my first grandchild was born. I would call that a season of birthing.

I love having any occasion to celebrate, especially when there is so much happening that can distract us from the opportunities that come our way. Celebration is an important part of life. I firmly believe this book has been God’s idea far more than mine. So, to be in this place is something I hope you will join with me in celebration, for a moment.

There is still much for me to do before it is available to you, so your prayers are appreciated. I will leave you with one of my summary paragraphs to help build some anticipation for the bigger occasion to celebrate yet to come.

Henrietta Mears loved people into the Kingdom of God. Her motto and mission was, “To know Christ and to make Him known.” How did God use her to send out hundreds of pastors and missionaries in her lifetime? How could her ministry give birth to 50 others? Her passion to glorify God came from a deep relationship with the Living God. That love overflowed to others through the love and the power of the Holy Spirit. God is inviting you to a deeper relationship, to understand your call, and destiny so you can share Christ with others.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. Congratulations Andrea! That is so great. I’m looking forward to reading the book once it’s published.

    1. Thank you Belinda! I look forward to hearing what yo think after you get to read it.

    2. Congratulations; glad you’re making such definite progress. H.M. has been one of my role models since the 60’s when I first learned of her life and work through the testimony of Bill & Vonette Bright.

  2. I am so excited! And I love that you used the fun celebratory photo too!! 24 years gives me great hope – perhaps one day my writing will be completed as well. Blessings my friend!

  3. Glad to know that your work will be published and available to all. I remember when you were in the early stages of your research while we were in seminary together. I am thrilled that God put that vision in your heart and has taken that work to bless His people. I can’t wait to get a copy!

  4. Greetings, Andrea! . . . How wonderful that this is happening. I wish you all the best. And, uh, I was just noticing your tag at the bottom. Who on earth wants to be “normal”? Canon Ross once told me that I was “quirky”. I telling you, it was the BEST compliment anyone ever paid me(short of Maureen, of course.). God bless you! . . . Kurt

    1. Honestly, I also have not plans to be “normal.” We are all unique and no two people bring the same thing to any situation.
      Be blessed!

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