Do They Match?

Some days are easy to see God and His work in our lives. Some days are not easy that way. Between the stormy weather we’ve had and the anniversaries of not very fun things that the late summer and fall months bring to my mind, I have allowed myself to lose focus a bit.

Though full of color, these leaves are damaged, no longer whole and dying.
Though full of color, these leaves are damaged, no longer whole and dying.

I took a walk on Saturday feeling a little mangled, like the leaves in the photo. They still have beauty, but they have arrived at their expiration date and are wasting away, no longer able to fulfill their original purpose of feeding the tree. In my lack of focus and full of self-pity, I felt a bit like those leaves look.

Abba knew what I was thinking, and I knew He did. I felt God’s compassion as I heard Him tell me to look at how He, my Creator sees me. Then I saw it:

Red, like the blood of Jesus. All my sin forgiven.

This leaf was intact, shiny red and reminded me I am covered with the blood of Jesus that makes my Abba see me as pure as the whitest snow.

As I continued to walk and dialogue with Abba in His creation, I saw several things that displayed beauty and redemption. I found a good walking stick. Then driftwood that looked like a star design was carved in it, but it was the handiwork of bugs. I was almost startled as I turned around to find these wild grapes! Clearly ready to be enjoyed.

Rich, luscious, mature fruit.
Rich, luscious, mature fruit.

Even though I began the walk feeling like disintegrating leaves, I sensed the pleasure of the Lord as he showed me the grapes. “You are more fruitful than you think.”

Some days, how I feel does not match how my Creator sees me.

If I am willing, however, to listen to His still small voice, I experience eternal redemption. The truth is what God and His word says about me. My feelings are important, but they can lie, especially if I am exhausted.

Is there anywhere in your thinking or feelings that does not match what our Creator says is true about you? What one thing might you be able to do to help them match?

Abba, Thank you for the way You use nature to speak to me, affirming the truths from your word. Help me to rest in body, mind and spirit so I can hear You and process Your truths well.


About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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