God And Self-Esteem Part 2

"Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;" Is 48:16a
“Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;” Is 48:16a

Self-esteem has a lot to do with comparison. What or who are we trying to measure up to? The person who lives next door? Our professors or boss? A colleague at work…? The standard we chose will define our success or failure in how we see ourselves. Competition can be a dangerous thing. One of the big problems with defining ourselves by other people is that the standard changes.

But with God, the standard is always the same. The standard is perfection, but, and this is a HUGE but: God knows we fail miserably and he loves us perfectly, not matter what, always. Christ’s death and resurrection gives us free and open access to the throne room of the Creator!

We have to understand how God sees us. It is crucial! Because of the sacrifice of Jesus and His blood poured out for us, God does not sees us as sinful people. God sees us as redeemed children, chosen and perfectly loved.

In spite of what we may have been told about our worth by people, we are completely accepted by God. As the creation narrative in Genesis tells us, each day of creation ends with the statement, “And God saw that it was good.” That includes humankind. What God makes is good. I am good because of God, not because of what I have done. You are good because God loves you!

How do any of us begin to change the way we think about ourselves? In part 1 we prayed for it.

This time I ask you to declare the truth, out loud! God created everything by speaking it into existence. As people created in the image of God, our speech has power, to tear down and build up. So, I encourage you to read this out loud, every day for at least a week. No need to site the Bible references, just the truths themselves are sufficient.

Take note if any of them tug at you or are hard to say. Those are places to pray about, then declare those all the more the next day. THESE STATEMENTS ARE WHAT GOD SAYS IS TRUE OF YOU! BELIEVE AND ACCEPT! Look them up in context when you have time. Please let me know how it goes. You are in my prayers.



            JN 1:12                I AM GOD’S CHILD

            JN 15:15              I AM CHRIST’S FRIEND

            ROM. 5:1             I HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED

            1COR. 6:17          I AM UNITED WITH THE LORD (ONE SPIRIT)

            1COR. 19-20       I AM BOUGHT WITH A PRICE; I BELONG TO GOD

            1COR. 12:27        I AM A MEMBER OF CHRIST’S BODY

            EPH. 1:1               I AM A SAINT

            EPH. 1:5               I HAVE BEEN ADOPTED AS GOD’S CHILD

            EPH 2:18             I HAVE ACCESS TO GOD THRU THE HOLY SPIRIT

            COL. 1:14             I HAVE BEEN REDEEMED AND FORGIVEN

            COL. 2:10             I AM COMPLETE IN CHRIST



            ROM. 8:12                 I AM FREE FOREVER FROM CONDEMNATION

            ROM. 8:28                 I AM ASSURED ALL WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD

            ROM. 8:31-34           I AM FREE FROM ANY CHARGE AGAINST ME

            ROM. 8:35-39           I CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE LOVE OF GOD

            2COR. 1:21-22           I AM ESTABLISHED, ANOINTED, SEALED BY GOD      

            COL 3:3                       I AM HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD

            PHIL. 1:6                    I AM CONFIDENT THAT THE GOOD WORK GOD HAS

                                                            BEGUN IN ME WILL BE PERFECTED

            PHIL. 3:20                  I AM A CITIZEN OF HEAVEN

            2TIM. 1:7                     I HAVE NOT BEEN GIVEN A SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF

                                                            POWER, LOVE, AND A SOUND MIND

            HEB. 4:16                    I CAN FIND GRACE AND MERCY IN TIME OF NEED

            1JN. 5:18                     I AM BORN OF GOD; THE EVIL ONE CANNOT TOUCH ME                                                



            MATT. 5:13-14         I AM THE SALT & LIGHT OF THE EARTH

            JN 15:1, 5                   I AM A BRANCH OF THE TRUE VINE, A CHANNEL OF

                                                            HIS LIFE

            John 15:16                 I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN AND APPOINTED TO BEAR FRUIT

            ACTS 1:8                    I AM A PERSONAL WITNESS OF CHRIST’S

            1COR. 3:16                I AM GOD’S TEMPLE

            2COR. 5:17-21          I AM A MINISTER OF RECONCILIATION FOR GOD

            2COR. 6:1                  I AM GOD’S CO-WORKER (1COR.3:9)

            EPH. 2:6                    I AM SEATED WITH CHRIST IN THE HEAVENLY REALM

            EPH. 2:10                  I AM GOD’S WORKMANSHIP

            EPH. 3:12                  I MAY APPROACH GOD WITH FREEDOM AND CONFIDENCE

            PHIL. 4:13                I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO

                                                            STRENGTHENS ME


*From Neil T. Anderson, Freedom in Christ Ministries: info@ficm.org; www.ficm.org


About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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