Which Way To Go?

We’ve all had those days at some point in our lives when we look out ahead and literally or figuratively scratch our heads wondering what’s next. Does God care? Does He really have a plan…for me?


Some of us have experienced several of these moments in life. Others only rarely. We are fortunate, who find ourselves in a place with options. So, where do we find answers? Do we instantly go for what our human will is drawn to? Or do we seek our Maker who tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'”

Does God really care?  Paul tells us to “Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.” 1Peter 5:7

What about this tree that was pushed over by life’s storms. The trunk looks warn and weathered, even dead. But see how it hung on to life! The trunk is not in a conventional position for a tree, but now it has a half-dozen branches pushing up. It has become it’s own small forest. A vibrant life.

Fresh life from a difficult place.
Fresh life from a difficult place.

These pine trunks and roots did not find much nourishment on the rocks. Nevertheless, they worked with what they were given. They pushed their roots down to find what they needed. Roots of plants and trees can break up rock as they grow and expand. Rain and dirt get trapped in the cracks and provide some of what they need to grow larger and break through more rock. They also extend around the rocks to reach more resources. They persevered and thrived.

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

Was it easy? I don’t think so. Neither of these trees gave up.

God’s direction and provision is not often easy to discern. Twists and turns are more common than a straight and level path. Yet His promises are faithful and true. And, Our creator is, in all honesty, more interested in us discovering His best for us than we are ourselves.

Our spiritual nourishment comes through the word of God, the Bible and prayer.

Direction from God comes through the Bible, and through wise counsel from people who know the word of God and His ways. All the better if they know us well. God also uses circumstances, timing, our own gifts, talents, desires and experiences in life. He uses the failures and the successes! And God gives us peace when we have found His path for us.

“Delight yourself in the Lordand he will give you the desires of your heart.” PS 37:4 As we look to our creator to meet us and guide us, our desires and His will for us aligns with His best.

God provided for and protected those trees. Granted, it was not is the way He does for most. But they thrive.

Am I willing to imagine and look outside the box? Are you? The tress did!

Am I willing to persevere looking for God’s best plan for me? Are you? The trees did!

May God bless you with the peace that passes all understanding as you seek Him with you whole heart. 

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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