We are ambassadors of God’s new Covenant Ministry. Those who allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse, and direct their lives, represent the New Covenant Ministry.
The Old Covenant was, at least partially, literally written in stone. Interestingly, the intent of those laws is still valid. The primary difference between the Old and New Covenants, is the empowerment of the Holy Spirit who actually lives inside of each true follower of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The Old Covenant was given, partly because it is the ideal. But primarily, it demonstrates how hopeless we are, without the direct empowerment of our Creator, to live a virtuous life. We need help!
Jesus himself said that He did not come to get rid of the Law, but to fulfill it.
Before Jesus came, the Holy Spirit only rested on select individuals for a limited period of time.
Now, when a person accepts Christ as Savior and Lord, the Holy Spirit becomes a part of that person. Ephesians 1:13 Our natural conscience can help us, but all too often our conscious is corrupted by bad choices, ours and others. The Holy Spirit is the wise, “still small voice” we hear when we pause to listen. Isaiah 30:20-21
The Creation Mandate, from Genesis 1:26 places us over the care of the earth and everything in it. I think it is safe to say we have struggled, to put it mildly.
The Greatest Commandments, to love God first, then other people, the Golden Rule, is also not working as originally intended. This is because too many do not know how to connect with God’s intended power source. Too many deny God exists, either by direct denial, active rebellion, or hopeless ignorance. Without Godly direction, we all have the natural default responses of self-protection and control, when others hurt us. These responses lead to searching for satisfaction in nearly any other place than trusting our Creator.
That is why the Great Commission, is so important. After encountering and accepting the perfect love of God, we proclaim this Love of God to the entire world. Then we teach all who accept this gift, how to grow, and tell others.
Our Creator loves all of us, and wants to be in relationship with as many people as possible. Without God’s unconditional love overflowing through us, we are powerless. If we do not connect with the Holy Spirit to love as God loves, the New Covenant Ministry remains elusive.
God’s love is the primary call. The Mandate, Commandments and Commission, are the overarching design for the New Covenant Ministry.
Do you want to be part of the transformation that is the New Covenant Ministry?
Now is the time to put down our plans, asking for the Holy Spirit fire of Pentecost to cleanse and empower us. We may be redirected to God’s better plan for us. Or, we may receive back the thing we put down, but now, it will have the breath and the power of the Holy Spirit on it!
Are you ready for full participation in the New Covenant Ministry? Count the cost. . . knowing the blessings of participation are eternal!
This is truth!
Bless you! Tell me more=}
More = If we truly believe and are marked by God with a seal, and know and feel God’s love for us, we will not be able to keep that love to ourselves. It will overflow on to all that we do. “God’s love is the primary call.”
Yess! Well said!!!
Thank you for engaging!Keep the thoughts coming. . . .