The Old Life Is Gone

The old life is gone, in more ways than one. We hear about “the new normal,” that is clearly still evolving. What used to be up is often down, and visa-versa these days. The level of anxiety all around is tremendous as we attempt to find our way. The old is gone, but I need help finding the new.

As I was reading 2 Corinthians 5 recently the Holy Spirit began nudging me in new ways around familiar verses. Emphasis mine.

16 So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. At one time we thought of Christ merely from a human point of view. How differently we know him now! 17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

What does that mean to have a new life in Christ? 

I am a new creation, and I have new life, but do I really believe it? Assuming the old life is gone, have I allowed myself to change “enough”? I guess I am asking, is the new me becoming more like Jesus, to the level that people notice I am completely Andrea, but also noticeably like Jesus? Am I well on my way to becoming who God intended me to be from before the beginning of time?

Upon reflection, I can honestly say I am far from where I started. In many ways the old life is truly gone. And on further reflection, I am still on the journey. What is needed to keep progressing?

Please fill in with your own thoughts here, but this is a start on my list:

Cooperation with the Holy Spirit 

others to come along side, of any age and maturity, new creation or not 

The grace, forgiveness and mercy of God

courage and faithfulness

hope and love

worship and truth

rest and play



14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15 He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”

The time has come to step more fully into “my new life,” in a new way. Boldness and purpose seem to be two more things I need more of. I am still shaking off the past- – – Abba, I want to live, stand, and walk in the truth that I am undeniably a completely new creation in You. 

The old life is gone. Keep coming with me into the new.

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About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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