
I Have a Brother

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I have a brother is guest post by Karen Zanellis. Earlier this week she sat at her computer and this is what flowed through her heart and fingers. 


I have a brother. He walks with me in every area of my life.  Even when I am mean or bully him and push him away, he is always there waiting for an invitation from me to come along side once again. Never judging, scolding – just pure patience for me to invite him.
My brother listens and talks with me at any time, day or night; rain or sunshine. There is nothing that can come between us, nor are there any subjects that are off limits. For he knows me inside and out, even before I can think of something – he knows.
Interesting on how comfortable it is to just be in the presence of him. In the calm, in the noise – nothing distracts. So good to let down all of the walls, all defenses, all ideas/notions that are preconceived. Deep breaths, deep feelings, deep talks, deep thoughts. None are unknown to my brother. For he knows me intimately. He knows how to approach me, how to help me to understand, how to touch my heart and soul like no other. He gently pursues me because he loves and cares for me to become who I am called to be. Who he knows me to be, when I truly don’t.  But even here he accepts me right where I am and who I am presently. Nothing, repeat that: Nothing can force him to turn away from me for any reason. Sit with that and try to imagine exactly what that means. Breathe the simple yet so powerful thought in. Regardless of what I believe of myself, those beliefs are not in any way how my brother sees me. Ask him to show you who you are. Go ahead, I dare you! I bet you will be surprised.
I once stood in a man’s embrace for a very long time. That embrace was not him but my brother. It was like no other in my life. To be embraced and feel it in the physical AND spiritual by him – I don’t have the words. Gentle, warm, pleasant, enjoyable, tender, mesmerizing. My brother took the time to just focus on me, giving me exactly what was needed at that time. To be able to climb up into his lap with my head pressed against his chest hearing his heart beat an incomparable love for me. I was crying gentle tears that were not visible on the outside but within my heart, he, capturing each and every drop within a jar laced around his neck. I hear in my spirit – Your tears are so precious to me. All tears I carry within this jar and I covet each one. An experience like no other!


Karen has faced many difficult times in her life. Years ago, about twenty friends were at a meeting when the speaker, lead by the Holy Spirit, embraced her, allowing Jesus to minister healing to her. She has never been the same. I pray you have your own God designed encounters with our brother.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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