Giving Thanks In a Year Most Want To Forget

Giving thanks is crucial for us this November, more than ever. We are living in extraordinary times. 2020 is a year much of the world would like to forget. That said, 2020 has not been bad for everyone. If each of us takes a few moments to quiet ourselves, we can all open the door to the power of giving thanks. The bad is often the loudest, but that does not have to make it the strongest.

I offer a brief year in review focusing on the good from my life in 2020, and we still have a month to go!

After years of statistically off the charts stress, this January, I found myself with space and peace. I began 2020 at a prayer conference in Washington DC. It is always good to call in the New Year with God as the focus.

In January I discovered a healthy regimen for my body that I will show results of later. I also was finally able to connect more deeply with some like minded believers out of state.

February was my my birthday. What a blessing to continue to thrive in my 60’s.

Early March lead to fresh connections and renewed vision for the ministry God has been holding for me. Part of that was receiving an offer of a book contract from Wipf and Stock Publishers. Need I say? I took it. A Little Drop of Love; Henrietta Mears, Helped Change a Generation and You Can Too, should be available, at least for pre-order, soon. I will let you know.

April brought one of the best gifts I have ever received! William, my first grandchild, (hopefully of several more) was born completely healthy during full Covid lock down. The solitude of April also made it easy to enjoy the companionship of my dog, Nellie Belle. Zoom also became a way of life, occassionally renewing friendships from around the world.

The revamping of my long labor of love began in April, but in May, Covid made it easy for me to begin to find a writing rhythm. I am also giving thanks in all circumstances for my new hot water heater. Yes, after not even four years of service, my original one died. The thankful part is it was under warranty. That allowed me to get one that would fill my bathtub. It will be a soaking winter for me, and that is a good thing.

June I finally was free to meet William in person! Can you see my happy dance? Of course he is perfect. Of course I have no bias. 🤣

June and July allowed me to stick with the writing rhythm I desperately needed to hit my deadline. The end of July was a big push, but after twenty four years from inception, the book was in the hands of the publisher. That was a first of several, “PHEWs” to exit my body and spirit.

August and September brought a dramatic shift. Prayer efforts I had put on hold for the book found space in my life. More Zooming and more outdoor efforts with great people. Giving thanks for the combination of prayer, people, and outside happenings together fills my heart. Yes, I am unique that way. But them too who know me cannot be surprised.

October opened with me maintaining the fifty pounds lighter than I was in January for six weeks! A few more prayer events and a couple days with William all mine during the day was wonderful. Then my son and his wife moved back from the west coast to live only an hour away from me. The month closed with me back at writing after my copy editor had a serious go at A Little Drop of Love.

So far in November, the final edits are now completed. The cover is complete and endorsements are rolling in. I have reconnected with more old friends and made some new. There is alway more prayer to be had.

With Thanksgiving next week I am intentionally giving thanks. No one’s year will look like mine, however, there is always a measure of good hidden in the challenges and sorrows. Regardless of the desire to say good-bye to 2020, with good reason, please take a few minutes. Pull out your calendar or journal. Ask Abba what good has transpired this year. Then give thanks.

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


    1. Thanks Sheryl, I was just thinking that I find giving thanks to be almost a vaccine against getting drawn into negativity. Bless you and thanks for reading!

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