Strategic Prayer

2014-05-21 15.00.55_2What prayer isn’t strategic? Honestly. Anything that touches the heart and hand of God must be strategic. Right?

True, and yet being guided by God to pray His will in His way, can be more effective and fruitful than praying only what I want.

Praying God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven is a big motivator and calling for me. In other venues I have talked about helping to provide an environment where the Holy Spirit can work. I am committed to praying for spiritual awakening and revival in New England and beyond. Part of that for me includes joining others to help New England be the kind of environment where the Holy Spirit can freely draw people to faith in Jesus.

Sometimes God calls an individual, a small or large group of people to pray specifically for something that will help create the openness to God’s work. Sometimes the call comes with a need to be at a certain location, often a historic one. Or, to do things like take communion on the site. Sometimes, the call comes to specific people because of their family history or personal experience of over coming. That history and experience gives the individual authority in the heavenly realms in the eyes of God.

I am a descendant of Governor Bradford , who came over on the Mayflower. So isn’t it “interesting” that God has planted me in New England.=} Over the last few years I have often been on teams of just a handful of people to go pray on historic sites to stand in with an attitude of repentance and forgiveness for things that transpired centuries ago. By forgiving and receiving forgiveness, we take back the  Godly authority our fore fathers gave up by their actions and attitudes that did not please God. The discord, fear and bitterness that became common place in towns is exchanged for freedom, grace and an opportunity to change. It does not usually bring instant change, but an open door to co-operate with the freedom to hear God above man.

This week I went into Boston to pray with my friends Christ (rhymes with wrist) and Jennie. This was not a combination site-seeing prayer walk. This was intentional. We went to the site of the first house in Boston to pray about one of the roots of pride and rebellion in Boston. God had lead Christ to do some studying about the settling of Boston and that lead us to this monument. Shawmut was the original name of Boston and William Blaxton settled here for five years before it became Boston in 1630.2014-05-21 14.50.53 It was an intense time of prayer as we asked for and extended forgiveness on behalf of the historic figures in the conflict. Their interactions created one of the openings to pride and rebellion in the area. We asked God to close that access and to bring healing of the wrongs done in the past and for the restoration of humility and peace.

We stood on a warm sidewalk in the still spring air. As soon as we finished a STRONG breeze kicked up. It was so strong Jennie had to hold down her skirt. Wind often represents the Holy Spirit. Am I nuts?  Just saying…. It was more than an interesting coincidence. We all took note because the contrast was significant, and because these sorts of things are not unusal with this sort of strategic prayer assignment.

What difference did it make? Honestly, I am not sure of how to measure it. We each had a strong sense of the favor of God as we obeyed His call to pray in this way, at this place, on that day.  Time will tell. We will watch the news and continue to pray for awakening and revival in New England. This is just one piece of a grander plan than I can not grasp. I have learned that it is for me to hear and obey. I am in this area for any number of reasons. Strategic prayer is one.

There are other ways to pray strategically. How do you pray when you become aware of wrongs done in the past? Ask God to make you aware of how you can pray for revival and awakening where you are!


About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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