The Power Of The Spoken Word

The Spoken Word can wither…or…

The spoken word is powerful. Arguably the biggest reason for the power of the spoken word is because we humans are created in the image of the Creator of all things. Everything was made by the Creator through the spoken word, including us. God announced the creation of light then light appeared. (Was that the big bang?) God announced water, land, animals and people and there they were. Since people are created in the image of God, our words also have power to build up or teardown.

I remember years ago reading about an experiment where people talked to plants. One set of plants were loved and encouraged with good words spoken or “announced” to them. The other set was berated with negative “announcements.” All the other variables were identical. The results were dramatic. The encouraged plants flourished and the berated ones withered.

That is a good plant example, but what about us people?

Words can bring life and health.

Do you remember the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”  I was taught that adage when I was bullied in primary school, in an attempt to take the pain away. It did not really help very much because that is not how it works. Sadly, several of those lies bullies spoke to me stuck for a very long time.

After I became a follower of Jesus I learned about the power of the spoken word and how to use words to break free of the lies. By speaking out loud we are announcing we are in agreement with our statement. So, when I make negative statements about myself, like my appearance or abilities, I am announcing negative things and my belief and actions begin to align with those lies.

Yes, they are lies! Our creator does not make junk. The enemy of our souls knows that and he also knows how to deceive us by twisting the truth. Any good lie has at least a tiny element of truth that gets our attention. Then we have the choice to agree with the negative twist the enemy adds to the truth, or we can renounce the twisted add-on. Renouncing is the opposite of announcing. We are not agreeing, but declaring, out loud, that we no longer agree with them. Out loud is important because the enemy cannot read our minds.

The real power of renouncing is to do it in the name of Jesus.  “In Jesus’ name I renounce that I am ugly/unworthy/not good enough….” (Or what ever the lie is.) Too often we are not even aware what we subconsciously believe about ourselves.

The best way to have long-term victory over the lies is to replace them with the truth by announcing it. The truth of who we are is found in the Bible. Psalm 139 is one of my favorite passages affirming who we really are and what our Creator thinks of us. We can read 1 Corinthians 13 as a list for us to attain, but I prefer to read it as how God loves us.

Take a few minutes to think about where you may be ‘withered’ and what lies/half-truths you want to come out of agreement with by renouncing them. You might read the passages I suggested to see if your spirit grates at the truth. That discomfort with the truth, can lead you to the often subtile lies. After renouncing out loud, replace the lies with the truth by announcing out loud what God has to say. His words are kind, and usually the opposite of the lies.

Thank you Abba for the power of the spoken word!

As always, I love to hear how Abba meets you!

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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