On Valentine’s Day this week, I officially joined the ranks of those over 60! I am one of those different types who enjoys being, and celebrating being, older. I worked hard to get here. In order to give God the credit for lasting this long and to renew my commitment to follow our Creator, I had a birthday and house blessings party last Sunday. I have been in my new home for over a year. It seemed a perfect time to bless it to eternal purposes.
I did not make the connection at first, but after a day or two I noticed a distinct difference in me. Since the formal blessings of Sunday, I sense a lightness in the house and freedom in my spirit I have not had for a long time. Is it a coincidence? I sincerely doubt it.
In my experience, the power of the spoken word, for good and ill, is far more impressive than we usually understand. When we read the creation narrative in Genesis 1-3** we see the Creator spoke the world into existence. “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. …”
We humans are the only beings created in the image of God. And we have dominion, that is responsibility, to rule and reign over the earth. “Then God said, “Let us make man [male and female he created them] in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over … all the earth….” (1:26 & 27)
As children of God and disciples of Jesus we speak on behalf of our Creator like a prince or princess speaks for their King. When we speak negatively we can wither fig trees like Jesus did in Matthew 21:17-19. We can also wither people with our cutting words. Fortunately, our kind words can bring life and blessings just as easily.
On Sunday several people prayed blessings for the house as well as for me. We also shared communion to recognize the work of Jesus on the cross in bringing forgiveness and freedom to His creation, and on this occasion, specifically to me and to space I live in. I cannot explain the shift in the house and in me apart from those corporate blessings.
I share all this to remind us that what we say, and how we say it, really matters. Furthermore, intentionally setting time apart to bless homes and people can also really matter.
I bless each person who reads this post, with grace and wisdom to speak words of blessings to others. May our powerful words be used to encourage, build others up, strengthen and guide each one in the love of Jesus who gave His life for us.
**Henri Blocher wrote a marvelous book on the biblical creation narrative called In The Beginning. I highly recommend it if you are at all curious.
Words from you heart.
Thanks for seeing that. May Abba bless you and all others who take it to heart.