Bird TV is gone!

Bird TV. The gieat Rhododendron below the bay window that holds my bird feeder.
Bird TV. The giant Rhododendron below the bay window that holds my bird feeder.

This was the front of the house Wednesday morning.

A friend came Wednesday and chopped down Bird TV. I had arranged for him to come at a time I was sure to be here. The leaves were off quickly.

Bird TV shrinking.
Bird TV shrinking.
Bird TV greatly diminished!
Bird TV greatly diminished! The “TV” window exposed. Can you see the Lucite feeder to the left of the bay window above?

The birds were VERY unhappy! They chirped, tweeted, chattered and even a few screeched! some came to land before the empty branches were cut, but were surprised at what they found, or didn’t find and swooped away to a not too distant tree or sat on the gutter above. Once the major work was done, I went inside and looked at the feeder on the window above the former Bird TV. There were three or four birds of different types on the feeder. Two on the top of it yelling at those below to move along so they could have their turn. The Bird world on my end of the street has been thrown in to a tizzy.

They had no warning!

I, however, had taken months to prepare for this day. When it came, I was actually happy. Well, nearly. The house looks REALLY different. Better. Tidy with my brand new brick walkway and lots of sun light to show it off.

The new look with plenty of sun!
The new look with plenty of sun!

The house in the woods will need some new, manageable….little, plantings. The birds will get more exercise flying from 30 feet rather than three. They have already proven they will not miss a meal if I offer it. The downstairs window will likely never be Bird TV again, but I will enjoy the many that vie for space on my upstairs feeder.

I was asked how I felt when it was over. I guess I feel another new beginning. One more thing of the past I once enjoyed is exchanged for new possibilities. I think I actually feel lighter.

How do you feel when something inevitable you were dreading finally comes to pass?

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.


  1. Sense of relief–like a good rain. By the way, I love ur emails Andrea! I smile whenever they pop up in my in box. I’ve prayed Gods protection over today’s event and that Gods love would touch many lives inGloucester. Also Gods leading & blessing on your continued adventure w Henrietta! Love, Danie

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