April 26, 2018 Who Was Henrietta Mears? She stood five feet four inches tall, thick-set, with hazel eyes dimly visible through the “coke bottle” lenses of her spectacles. Her daily attire…
April 19, 2018 Billy Graham’s Crisis Of Faith The Reverend Billy Graham Passed away two months ago at the age of 99. For decades he was known as the Pastor to US…
April 12, 2018 God’s Temple Last week I was trying to relax so I was meditating on Psalm 27:4, one of my favorite verses. I have thought a lot about…
April 5, 2018 God Of All Comfort We all suffer wounds and brokenness. the Apostle Paul calls them afflictions. Every way we are wounded, physically, emotionally and spiritually, is an opportunity for…
March 29, 2018 What Are You Afraid Of? Did you ever up in the morning and to find your adrenaline is already running high? I hate it when I start that way….
March 22, 2018 Forgiveness: What It Is And What It Is Not When I was young I don’t think I ever seriously considering forgiveness one way or the other. As a child I was taught to…
March 15, 2018 Refrigerator Blindness Or, Hidden In Plain Sight You know what I mean, right? Hidden in plain sight! Have you ever been looking for something in the fridge, or a closet, or…
March 8, 2018 What Does It Mean To Be Ready? Ready? Ready for what? Recently I wrote about expectations. Building on that, lets look at what it looks like to be ready for the…
March 1, 2018 What Do You Do When You Can’t? May I Suggest Surrender? I have surrendered. I am home with the flu and bronchitis and I have not felt this yucky, for this long, in quite a…
February 22, 2018 Fast Of Words: A Different Kind Of Fast In this Lenten season I am struck again by the power of our words. Last week I focused on blessings and how life-giving they…