
In the past I have written about shifts taking place in the world. Acceleration of these shifts is the word for today.

For some time, my sense of the acceleration makes me feel as if I am straining to keep my balance. A few cases in point:

*The previous few months have been full with, more than usual, prayer efforts in New England.

*It is October in Salem Massachusetts, just five miles from me. This is always a bit more of a prayer focus for me this time of year.

*Labor strikes seem to be rolling across our country this year. These slow our, and other, economies.

*The current war in Israel is not as complicated as some make it out to be. One thing is sure, it is difficult to understand without Biblical grounding. Another certain thing is, we ALL need to pray! Mike Bickel of IHOPKC explained the Biblical perspective about as well, and as succinctly possible last week.

*US Congress has been without a Speaker of the House for two weeks. As I write, two rounds of voting have yet to determine a new speaker. 

These are two very crucial weeks in world history. 

There is an acceleration of the shifting.

Do these things depend on me? NO. . . .

However,. . .

All of God’s people are created to rule and reign on the earth. Those who call Jesus Lord, are especially commanded to stand in the gap.

What gap? 

Ezekiel 22:30 “I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn’t have to destroy the land, but I found no one. 31 So now I will pour out my fury on them, consuming them with the fire of my anger. I will heap on their heads the full penalty for all their sins. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!”

1 Timothy 2:1-2 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.

Abba, even when I do not know how to pray, I know you command me, all of us, to pray. Lead us deep into Your Word, Your ways, and Your heart. May Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, regardless of my personal preference. And may we hang on to You in the acceleration, while standing in the gap for your will and ways. Amen

About the author

Andrea Van Boven (Madden): I like to think I am a radical lover of Jesus, but I live in a house and pay bills and look like I fit in with respectable society, like most people. What goes on in my head and heart are hopefully the things that betray the look of "normal" that comes at first glance. I hope those things inside of me seep out to actions as well as words of hope and encouragement. I pray that these in turn will lead others to know the loving Creator who knows us so intimately that he has a number for every hair on every head.

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