April 7, 2017 Palm Sunday To Deep Lent On The Way To Victory The story of Palm Sunday is the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem for Passover. In the end, the triumph was not what his…
March 30, 2017 Glance and Gaze What do you do when you are up against a challenge? Do you focus on the problem, possibly losing sleep over solutions? Or have…
March 23, 2017 The Wind And The Spirit As I sit looking out my window I hear the literal roar of the wind as it visibly rocks the trees back and forth…
March 17, 2017 Many Facets Of Shalom Shalom is most often translated “peace.” I am not a Hebrew scholar, but I have learned that every Hebrew word has several different, meanings….
March 10, 2017 Life Is Good!?! Not every day feels like Life is good. I like this t-shirt because on the days when life feels good, I like to announce…
March 3, 2017 Light And Dark And Lent Lent is here. Lent is the six-week season in the Church calendar leading up to the Crucifixion celebrated on Good Friday and the Resurrection of…
February 24, 2017 How Do These Images Touch You? I don’t know about you, but I am a very visual person. God often impresses His lesson’s on my heart through things I see….
February 17, 2017 Wonderfully Made The Psalmist wrote clearly that each person ever conceived is fearfully and wonderfully made! As I sat having my morning tea with my 6 month…
February 10, 2017 Calm In The Storm You know those kinds of days, when the storms around you are so thick is hard to see the next step in front of you,…
February 3, 2017 Make God Smile I recently watched a recording of Gianna Jesson. She survived an attempted abortion in 1977 and is living to make God smile. She lives…